• Corinn Flaherty


    Corinn is a Public Library Director who curates information and programming to meet the unique needs and interests of the community she serves. She sees the Museum as an extension of this work and hopes to use it to raise awareness and inspire change. She and her rescue dog, Roxy walk the beach every morning, year-round, picking up trash and searching for treasures.

  • Danielle Giannone


    Danielle is the SVP of Pinnacle Leadership and Team Development at Alnoba, where she coaches teams to reach their full potential. She lives on Plum Island and couldn't be more grateful for the place she calls home. She and her dog, Dolly can be seen nearly every morning walking the beach, sometimes alongside Corinn and her dog, Roxy. She is passionate about making the world a better place.

  • Angie Karapanos


    Angie is a Doctor of Pharmacy who works at Dana Farber. She is an avid outdoors woman and loves the beach more than anywhere. In the summer you will frequently find her out on a surfboard, paddle board or kayak along the shores of New England. She is passionate about teaching her two children, Harry and Harper, how to be stewards of the environment.

  • Sage Metrano


    Sage first visited Plum Island in 1990 and has been a full-time resident since 1998. She loves the island to her core and can often be found strolling along the Basin with her Maine Coon cat, Cherokee Rose. A beach bum in her own right, Sage has been moved to tears by the injured birds and animals she has witnessed over the years as a result of the pollution caused by humans. She believes that change has to start with someone, so she’s starting in her own backyard and hopes to inspire change one beach at a time.

  • Gregory Bartlett


    Gregory works as an operations consultant with early-stage startups, helping teams find better ways of working together. Plum Island has always felt like a second home to him, being a native of Massachusetts. He is passionate about creating creative communities and sees the Museum as an incredible opportunity to foster something unique and meaningful for many.